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Wisdom From The Wheel: The Dimensions of Life Abundantly

Writer: Peggy MuhammadPeggy Muhammad

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

As-Salaam Alaikum Family!

Both volumes of HTETL can be expressed in the two sentences found on page 44 of volume I: "Live right, think right, eat right, and do right. You will not have to die to go to heaven to be like angles; you will be like them while you live." HTETL, Volume 1, page 44.

Living right expresses our day to day activities associated with being a breathing, aware human being with thoughts, beliefs, desires, goals and actions on a daily basis. Living right is doing those things in accordance with what God desires for us.

Thinking right comes from the inner voice which produces thoughts and ideas that are in alignment with the thinking of God. Thoughts are a form of energy and can be very powerful especially if there is intent behind them. In Romans 8:5-6, Paul wrote, "For those who live according to the flesh, set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit (set) their minds on the things of the Spirit. For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mindset of the Spirit is life and peace". I believe the words "set" and "mind-set" are other ways of describing the intent behind a thought.

In Study Guide 18 - Rising Above Emotion Into The Thinking of God, The Honorable Louis Farrakhan explains that "To get to the thinking of God, we must rise above our present level of thought, which emanates from beneath". Think about it, when we first received our "X", for many of us, it was because we wanted something better in life. In order to obtain that, we had to overcome the swirl of thoughts and ideas that allowed us to survive in the "world". When we received our "X", we realized that those thoughts and ideas were not always appreciated in our new community. Once we read more from the Teachings, struggled more to close the gap between Allah's thinking and ours, we became more successful and began to experience resurrection. You can read more about this on page 151 in Study Guide 18 - Rising Above Emotion Into The Thinking of God.

Eating right is incorporating the dietary instruction of HTETL and the proper food so that they become part of us. We must incorporate them to achieve health, cure and longevity. I read that 20% of individuals across the globe who died in the year 2017, died as the result of a chronic disease brought on by poor eating habits. The medical professionals of the world are now catching up to the Messenger with regard to the scientific accuracy of HTETL. They may not all agree on the physiological principals of how these diseases come about, but they certainly agree that eating fewer times a day and fasting can improve the health outcomes of their patients who suffer from chronic diseases.

Doing right is following the thoughts which are manifested in behaviors that Allah (God) expects from us. We can not do what is right without a body and a mind that responds adequately. We must live according to the pillars of Islam, the restrictive law of Islam, treat others the way we wish to be treated and have a broad knowledge of HTETL, how disease is produced and what constitutes health so that we can do the things that promote health.




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