As-Salaam Alaikum Family!
Food provides energy and other substances for growth. development, maintenance and repair of the body. Food also has powerful psychological meaning. Bread for instance, symbolizes home, turkeys remind us of Thanksgiving and Christmas, eggs are associated with fertility and chocolate can bring back memories of forgotten romances. In the paragraphs below, I will discuss the symbolic meaning of each food, how it relates to the Nation of Islam and three of the substances we must not consume.

According to The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (TMHEM) meat, fish, and rice may be eaten, but they are not good for us. They really should be limited or avoided entirely. Meat, fish and rice are symbolic of the umbilical cord that keeps us tied to the "world" of our former slave-master and his children. Once we "cut the cord", from those foods and that world, we can become the new man and woman Master Fard Muhammad and TMHEM wants us to become down to the cellular level.
Nearly 75% of the earth's surface is covered in water which is associated with life and birth which come through the woman. One of the first maxims I heard about the relationship between TMHEM and the woman was, (and I am paraphrasing) "seventy-five percent of the work in raising the nation is done with the woman". That means that the woman shares the awesome responsibility in raising the nation. She must be pure in heart with a high moral character, be highly intelligent, possess a high degree of physical endurance and patience because she is the first food scientist, teacher and health practitioner.
Milk, like water should be pure; meaning that it should not have anything added or removed that would limit its ability to provide the nutrition the human body needs for growth, development, maintenance and repair. Milk is a food given to babies. When we first received the dietary instruction from Master Fard Muhammad through TMHEM over 90 years ago, the Nation of Islam was considered a "baby nation". Today we have most of what is required to be a mature nation such as a shared history, culture, religion, esthetic, national dress, national flag, common food, common health practices and common political goals. We still have one more task to complete, and that is obtaining our own territory. When we drink milk, it should remind us of that one final task to complete.
One of the most powerful symbols of home and family life is bread. In the Nation of Islam, homemade wheat bread is the gold-standard. One basic bread recipe contains whole wheat flour, yeast, salt, oil or butter and honey. It is allowed to rise, kneaded, allowed to rise again, baked, allowed to rest at least 24 hours then toasted before it is eaten. The fragrance of baking bread reminds me of my loving parents, siblings and the security of home. My mother was known for her bread making and her rolls were served on Sundays, holidays and other special occasions. Give your children the best memories of home and mother by filling the air with the fragrance of baking bread.
Imagine a great ancient tree with a wide trunk and many old branches. The name of the tree is Islam and a new branch on the tree is called the Nation of Islam and the fruit from that branch is known as the Fruit of Islam, the epitome of Muslim manhood. The man in the Nation Of Islam is a man reborn from a new curriculum developed by the supreme being. We call him an FOI. An FOI is of high moral character, intellectually sharp, physically strong, well coordinated, productive and of uncommon courage and valor. He is the supreme provider and protector of his family and his nation. When you see an FOI, know that this man is not like any other. He is the best fruit of the tree called Islam.
Vegetables come from the ground and are symbols for being grounded. When someone is said to be grounded, it generally means that they are unflappable, capable of being calm and reasonable in a crisis. The founding of the Nation of Islam was at the beginning of a world-wide economic depression, yet it grew. It continued even when the TMHEM was on the run from hypocrites who wanted to kill him. The Nation of Islam persevered during WW II when TMHEM was imprisoned and it continued throughout the drama that surrounded the life and death of Malcolm X. When TMHEM departed, it fell for three years, then rebounded under the direction of a grounded individual we call the Minister. He is The Honorable Louis Farrakhan and we owe a debt of gratitude to him and all other believers who were grounded and remained unflappable in times of crisis.
There is no other food that says, "Nation of Islam" like the navy bean. We eat navy bean pie, navy bean soup and other products that have been developed from the navy bean. TMHEM speaking of Master Fard Muhammad, wrote in HTETL on page five, "No beans did He advise, except the small navy - the small size and not the larger size - the little brown pink ones, and the white ones. This bean He valued to be very high in protein, fats and starches, and it is a safe food for prolonging life". Need I say more?
We believe and confess there is no God worthy of worship but Allah, pray five times a day, give in charity, observe Ramadan and hope to one day make Hajj in Mecca, but there is no practice that says, "Nation of Islam" like eating one meal a day. We fast from the end of dinner around 6:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. the next day. That is a 22 hour fast or longer if it only takes us one hour to eat. For many of us who undertake the one meal - a - day, the fasting can be difficult, but it can be done and it can be a sustainable way of eating and lifestyle practice. To experience hunger before 4:00 p.m. is normal especially if we are novices. I overcame the hunger by staying busy or taking a break to drink a glass of water. Another way to alleviate the discomfort is through meditation. I meditate on the feeling of hunger and associate the feeling in my stomach with the hunger for freedom, justice and equality in my being. The early believers sacrificed much for the baby Nation of Islam. I have not sacrificed or struggled much, but being one with my hunger in the form of meditation is a way of being in solidarity with their hunger for freedom, justice and equality. In addition to the meditation, I repeat, "All praise is due to Allah, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and all the Believers who sacrificed for me". I say that mantra and it gives me resolve.
TMHEM wrote in HTETL on page186 in volume II, "I did not say that it was really wrong for you to use alcohol. But it is wrong for you to use it in the way that you use it - getting drunk from alcohol. If we only know how to use anything with moderation, we would be a long time hurting ourselves". In case you are convinced that the former quotation is a green light to drink alcohol, please remember TMHEM was at a very low point in his life when he drank alcohol. He had not met Master Fard Muhammad and it was a time before the Teachings became the body of knowledge for the Nation of Islam. This means that anyone born before1931was born in to a world without the Teachings and little hope that life would ever improve for the Black man and woman in America. So, the drinking of alcohol should remind us of a time before we were blessed with a very special visit from God in Person, Master Fard Muhammad.
"No corn bread at all! Is what Master Fard Muhammad told TMHEM. "He said it was too hard for our stomachs to digest". Corn bread is made from fine to coarsely ground dried corn which reminds me of the hard coarse life we have under our sadistic former slave-master and his ugly acting children.
I believe that evil produces a psychological stench that can be compared to the actual stench of cooking pork. Nothing could be more nauseous and disgusting to a Muslim than evil or cooking pork. On page 103 in HTETL, volume II, TMHEM wrote, "The so-called American Negro is a product of evil and filth, produced by the white man of slavery. He is more a true believer in the evils and filth of the white man than the white man himself. As it is written (Bible), when he (devil) makes a convert, he makes him seven times more the child of hell than himself. This is the so-called American Negro. He is turned into a person seven times worse than he originally was".
Coaching tip:
1) When helping our people with HTETL, please do not allow your own personal biases and judgements to interfere with your desire to help others. They may have ideas about food that you could never imagine. You must be able to offer your assistance judgment-free and help them still feel good about themselves.
2) Do not try to impress others with your knowledge, ensure that your assistance is coming from a place of authenticity.